Wednesday, February 26, 2014

So, Becky started the introductions yesterday telling a little bit about her testimony and now it is my turn. I grew up in Ecuador as an MK (Missionary Kid). Growing up in Ecuador was really great, I enjoyed every bit of it. God was truly gracious by allowing me to grow up in a missionary family. I placed my faith in Christ at the age of six. I knew I was a sinner, a rebel who was in need of reconciliation with God. I believed in Christ's death for my sins and that He rose again to bring us salvation. I can look back on my childhood and youth and see how God guarded me and kept me, sometimes maybe in spite of myself. The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love -Psalm 103:8
When it came time for college, I attended ETBU, which is where I met Becky, and yes it took a little while, but we did date and got married in 2005. She has always been such an encouragement to me. God is so good to have given me such a wonderful wife. Becky knew when she married me that returning to Ecuador was always in the back of my mind and the bottom of my heart. And so we have been waiting for the right time. Well, last year the Lord impressed on us that this is the time. His time. And so we are pursuing His call to return to Ecuador and continue the work of spreading the good news of salvation in Christ. We want to encourage the existing churches and leaders and join them in taking the message further out to new communities who haven't heard and start new churches.
"Thompsons in Ecuador" is a great title for our blog, except if it were accurate right now, it should be: "Thompsons in Texas (still)". Yes, we are still in Texas raising support, we aren't on the field just yet. We want to ask you to pray for us as we raise support.
As you pray let me ask you to consider 2 things. 
First, would you pray about helping us financially get on the field (either by a one-time gift of any amount OR by joining our monthly support team in any amount). How much you give does not matter: "...the Lord loves a cheerful giver" 2 Corinthians 9:7
If you want to support us in any way just Click here, this will take you to our global outreach giving site.
Second, would you consider whether we can come visit your church, or Sunday school group, or bible study and share about missions, to be of mutual encouragement to each other both in our sharing and our hearing of what the Lord is doing. Yes, we are in Texas, but we are willing to travel, so if you think you might want us to come share, please just say so, and we will see what we can do. It was really great to get to meet the people at MacArthur Heights Baptist Church in Orange, TX. We hope we can be in many more churches soon!
That is all for now. God bless you,


Tuesday, February 25, 2014

I think it is time for some introductions for those of you who don't know us.

I grew up in Baytown, Texas, and still have lots of family there. I was raised in church, I think we were there every time the doors were open! I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior when I was 7 yrs old.  I am thankful for this because I know there have been lots of things in my life that could have caused me to just go completely crazy but I know Christ rescued me from myself and my sin and has protected me from so much.  When I was 15 or 16 I heard a missionary couple speak at church and that night God placed in my heart a call and desire to do missions. I had no idea what that call would look like.  I went to East Texas Baptist University for college and and meet John! It took us a while but we finally started dating thanks to a couple of friends and well here we are today. John grew up on the mission field in Ecuador, but I will let him share with you his testimony. So thankful God knows all the details of our lives before we do. Giving me a desire for missions and sending me the perfect partner to serve with is such an incredible blessing. I know there are lots of details that I've left out but testimonies are always changing and I am looking forward to what is still to come.

We had a great visit with MacArthur Heights Baptist Church in Orange, TX this past weekend. John preached a great message and was able to share our vision of Ecuador with them. If you want us to share with your church or Sunday School class let us know we would love to visit and share with you!
