Tuesday, September 29, 2015

As I sit here trying to write this blog I don't know where to start, there is so much I could say. We flew in on Sept. 17, in all honesty that day was harder than I ever could have anticipated. We have moved so many times before, left family and didn't know when we would see them again, but some how this move was so much more than that. There was no return ticket. I know God has amazing plans for us here in Ecuador and even in my sadness and tears I have peace that this is now our HOME. I know it will take me time to adjust to a new way of life but I am confident God will give me the patience to do so.

We have been pretty busy this last week and have traveled a lot. We are not really settled in yet and still have a ton of unpacking to do! John is currently with a group of men deep in the jungle. Pray for them as they are there this week and make the 5 hour hike out on Thursday. Hannah and I are at home this week, attempting to unpack and figure out a new normal. I ask that you pray for us and Hannah and I learn Spanish and adapt to all the new things around us. God has brought us to such a beautiful place and we don't want to miss anything.

We are still in need of financial support, we moved in faith knowing that God is faithful and His timing is perfect. If you would like to join our financial support team you can  click here.

Until next time, may God bless you all!
